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A Wet Summer.

Jennifer's Potato Bounty.

    Our Wood Prairie customer, green thumb Jennifer Conley of Winchester, Virginia, was kind enough to share this photo of her wonderful Potato harvest. This Spring she purchased two Wood Prairie Organic Experimenter’s Specials With twelve tubers or her choice in each Collection, the twenty-four seed tubers - of eight different varieties - fit perfectly into a 4’ x 8’ garden bed.  As you can see, Jennifer enjoyed a beautiful and huge harvest!

Maine Rain.  Here in Maine we remain wet, but thankfully, most of Maine has dodged the heaviest rains which have plagued Vermont.  Here we’ve had over 13 inches of rain since the weather shifted over to wet on May 21.  Our crop of  Organic Maine Certified Seed Potatoes is growing well.  However, like a lot of crops Potatoes really would like more sunshine than they have been getting.

     Wood Prairie Survey.  Our thanks to all of you who took the time to fill out our recent Wood Prairie Annual Survey. Your responses will help us to understand your needs and our strengths and weaknesses and allow us to serve you better.  We’re grateful for your help!

    Drawing Winners.  Today we held the drawing of Survey-Takers and our three winners will now each receive a $100 Wood Prairie Gift Certificate.  Congratulations are in order for Bridgett Ellis of Waterford, Connecticut; Peggy Barrett of Oil City, Pennsylvania; and Nita Daniels of Glenn Heights, Texas.
Thank you all!

     Seed Potatoes Still Available.  Our Reefer is keeping our Organic Maine Certified Seed Potatoes in excellent condition and we continue to ship these Ready-to-Sprout Maine Certified Organic Seed Potatoes every day.  Most of our varieties are still in stock and we will continue shipping orders as long as we can, but please order now to avoid disappointment when we run out


     NEW Wood Prairie Seed Piece.  This issue of the Wood Prairie Seed Piece includes a brand new Maine Tales, entitled “Maine Farmer Geography,” about one Maine Farmer’s simple lesson in geography.  We have a Special Offer for FREE Huckleberry Gold Seed Potatoes. Plus, Megan shares her Recipe for “Carrot Cake Muffins.”  As well, Betold Brecht offer his thoughts on Heroes in our new Notable Quotes.

     Happy Gardening and Please Send Maine Some Sunshine!

Caleb, Jim & Megan Gerritsen & Family
Wood Prairie Family Farm

Bridgewater, Maine

Click here for the Wood Prairie Family Farm Home Page.

Special Offer! FREE Organic Huckleberry Gold Seed Potatoes!

Maine Certified

Baltic Rose

Seed Potatoes.

Red Skin & Gold Flesh. 
Originally from Germany. 
Fantastic Taste. Mid-Season.

Maine Certified

Huckleberry Gold

Seed Potatoes.

One of the Best New Varieties 

of the last 10 years.


Place a NEW Order and Receive a FREE Wood Prairie 1 lb. Sack of Organic Maine Certified Huckleberry Gold Seed Potatoes ($19.99 Value).

Huckleberry Gold must ship with order and no later than 07/28/23.

Please use coupon code WPFF281.

Maine Tales. Maine Farmer Geography.
     Bridgewater, Maine.  Circa 1917.

Human Map of the U.S.A. Circa 1925.. In this clever photograph, housed in the Library of Congress, women were dressed in white and established the borders.  The men wore dark clothing and constituted America’s belly in the region way-below-Bangor.

     Of course, it has the markings of a Maine outlook, but who might have thought a Maine Potato farmer could impart such a deft distillation of American geography?

New Vistas

     With Covid now in the rear view mirror, Americans are traveling again and making up for lost time.  New vistas, new experiences and new territory.  At least that’s what Mainers imagine is going on in the rest of the country.

    As a breed, Mainers are home bodies and are more or less happy with their lot in life.  One friend recently confided that he hasn’t been outside of the State of Maine in over twenty years.  This fact would not surprise that many Mainers, folks mostly accustomed to thinking the Pine Tree State is a pretty could place to call home.

Eloping Into Canada.

     Our old next door neighbor Joshua (“Josh –shoe –way”) Morse – everyone in Bridgewater called him by his nickname ‘Doss’ – was a farmer his entire life.  Doss was born in Bridgewater in 1899, when this side of Town was still the ‘Wildlands’ that had ruled Northern Maine ever since the last glacier melted.  Unlike the east side of Town, the trees in these western parts had never been cut to make fields where potatoes could be grown.

     When Doss was 18, he eloped into Canada with 17-year old Etta Sharp.  That move kept them out of earshot of townsfolk who might have liked to otherwise cast aspersions on his idea of marrying Etta.  Time would prove Doss & Etta had got it right and their solid marriage lasted 67 years, until Etta passed away during the Fall of 1984.

Frugal Potato Farmer


     Doss and family would grow six or eight acres of potatoes, and oats and hay for their horses, cows and pigs.  They kept a big garden and cut many cords of firewood to keep their rambling farmhouse warm during the cold Winters.  Doss was a wise man, and like many of his contemporaries, he had benefitted from eight years of grammar schooling.  Taught practical skills by his father and kin, Doss knew how to do everything needed of a pioneer farmer, including skillfully hewing out beams with a broad ax. 

    Frugal to a fault, that classic Maine characteristic no doubt helped Doss and Etta raise their big family during some very tough times.  They held onto their farm and in this country that counts for something.

    True to their Maine upbringings, as a couple Doss & Etta were not much geared for traveling.  Etta, a Bridgewater farm girl herself, was sixteen years old before she ever laid eyes on the County seat of Houlton, twenty-three miles away.  In that era, seldom did one ever need to set foot outside one’s little farming Town.  A foray over to “The Province” of New Brunswick, Canada, six miles away, or an infrequent train trip ‘Down to Bangor’ represented the outer reaches of Doss’ domain.  As is the reality of farmers yet today, there was always plenty of work to do and traveling outside of Town was rarely necessary or contemplated.

Geography Simplified


     For Doss, geography was a simple matter and his United States was divvied up in thirds.  So, first there was “Down to Bangor.”  Then next, there was “Below Bangor” which approximately meant the various other corners of Maine, including Portland.  Finally, the mother of all geographic catchalls, “Way Below Bangor,” was reserved for the entire balance of the United States, from Boston to Bozeman to Bakersfield.

    Below Bangor things may get complicated, but be that as it may, it doesn’t change course for a Maine farmer like Doss Morse.


Megan's Kitchen Recipes:
     Carrot Cake Muffins.

2 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground allspice
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 eggs
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup sunflower oil
1 1/3 cup buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla
2/3 cup chopped pecans or raisins
1 1/2 cup grated

Preheat oven to 375º F. Sift together dry ingredients into a large bowl. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, sugar, oil, buttermilk and vanilla. Mix together with dry ingredients until just combined. Fold in carrots and pecans or raisins. Bake 25 minutes. Makes 12 - 16 muffins. Megan.

Notable Quote: Brecht on Heroes.

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Caleb & Jim & Megan Gerritsen
Wood Prairie Family Farm
49 Kinney Road
Bridgewater, Maine 04735
(207) 429 - 9765 / 207 (429) - 9682
Wood Prairie Family Farm | 49 Kinney Rd. Bridgewater, ME 04735